Information We at the Senate are committed to serving the nation and protecting our national interests. Together with the President and the House of Common Representives, we will create a great nation for the future. The Senate is the upper house in which the final say of bills occur. Every district, not every state, gets to have two Senators. They meet and select a Supreme Senator. He is the head of the Senate and works very closely with the Prime Minister and the President. However, the role is not very important. The current Supreme Senator is John Frily from the Northern Terriorities. A new constitutional admendment has been added making the Supreme Senator, President of the Bobbesian Republic. As of July 1, 2002, President Christopher Donle will assume the role of Supreme Senator. This new position will help the President carry out the duties of his office. Last Election Results: New Democratic Party- 105 seats National Freedom Party- 55 Seats Total-160 seats |